ConCave Ph.D. Symposium 2020

ConCave Ph.D. Symposium:
March 5-6, 2020
Georgia Tech | Atlanta, GA
Abstract Book ︎︎︎
Proceeding Book ︎︎︎
March 5-6, 2020
Georgia Tech | Atlanta, GA
Abstract Book ︎︎︎
Proceeding Book ︎︎︎
Divergence in Architectural Research is an international doctoral symposium organized by the ConCave Ph.D. Student Group in the Georgia Institute of Technology School of Architecture. As a Research I Institute, Georgia Tech offers researchers a divergent academic environment in which to discuss and advance emergent studies in architecture. The goal of the PhD Symposium is to provide a supportive atmosphere for PhD students at different stages in their research to present and receive feedback on their ongoing work. The symposium provides doctoral students a diverse academic ground from which to share their research with established scholars and other graduate students interested in similar research areas. The symposium also aims to enable PhD students to interact and network with other participants and potential collaborators, in order to stimulate an exchange of ideas, suggestions and experiences. The Symposium is open to all Ph.D. students, recent Ph.D. graduates and postdocs affiliated with any graduate programs currently developing research in architecture and related disciplines, such as building construction, city and reginal planning, cultural and historical preservation etc. Accepted papers will be published in the peer-reviewed proceeding book.
Architecture, as a discipline, embodies various fields of knowledge. Architectural research derives from within its own discipline and diverges into an interdisciplinary domain. Divergence in architectural research implies that there is agency to expand the disciplinary boundary of architecture and produce new fields of knowledge emerging from within the architectural domain. It offers making new connections between different epistemological frameworks and transforms our knowledge of architecture into unanticipated forms. Divergent approaches to interdisciplinary research in architecture prepares scholars and researchers for shared contributions across a rich array of intellectual fields.
The symposium invites all doctoral students to present their interdisciplinary research in five thematic session topics. The chosen topics, listed below, are intended to be inclusive, ensuring a venue for a diverse spectrum of research and welcoming overlaps to stimulate further discussion across sessions.
Organizing Committee:Academic Advisor: Tarek Rakha
Academic Coordinators: Hayri Dortdivanlioglu & Marisabel Marratt
Exhibition Coordinator: Yousef Bushehri
Accommodation & Logistics: Zorana Matic
Financial Board: Marisabel Marratt, Hayri Dortdivanlioglu
Media & Graphic Design: Hayri Dortdivanlioglu
Organization Board: Heather Ligler, Kurt Hong, Gustavo Do Amaral, Mehmet Bermek, Raha Motamed Rastegar, Fatima Javeed, James Park, Zachary Lancaster
Advisory Board: Steven French (Dean and John Portman Chair, College of Design), Nancey Green Leigh (Associate Dean for Research, College of Design), Scott Marble (William H. Harrison Chair, School of Architecture), Dennis Sheldon (Building Information System), Thanos Economou (Design Computing), Keith Kaseman (Advance Production), Tarek Rakha (High Performance Building), Craig Zimring (Design & Health), Ellen Dunham-Jones (Urban Design), George Johnston (History, Theory & Criticism)
Scientific Committee:
Anjali Joseph / Endowed Chair, Clemson University
Arash Soleimani / Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University
Arief Setiawan / Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University
Athanassios Economou / Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Azadeh Sawyer / Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
Benay Gursoy Toykoc / Assistant Professor, Penn State University
Christina Crawford / Assistant Professor, Emory University
Clio Andris / Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Craig Zimring / Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Danielle Wilkens / Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dennis Shelden / Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dimitris Papanikolaou / Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina
Elisa Dainese / Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University
Ellen Dunham Jones / Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Eyal Weizman / Professor, University of London
Gabriel Wurzer / Researcher, Vienna University of Technology
George Johnston / Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ingrid Rowland / Professor, University of Notre Dame
Ipek Tureli / Associate Professor, McGill University
Jihan Sherman / Academic Professional, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jean-Hugues Barthélémy / Professor, l’Université Paris-Nanterre, France
Jeffrey Collins / Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University
John Haymaker / Director of Research, Perkins+Will
Kereshmeh Afsari / Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech
Lars Spuybroek / Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Lisa Lim / Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University
Lydia Kallipoliti / Assistant Professor, The Cooper Union
Mine Ozkar / Professor, Istanbul Technical University
Moa Carlsson / Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
Momen El-Husseiny / Assistant Professor,The American University in Cairo
Pavlos Lefas / Professor, University of Patras, Greece
Perry Yang / Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Reinhard Koenig / Junior-Professor, Bauhaus-University Weimar
Robert Rosenberger / Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Roya Rezaee / Research Scientist, Perkins+Will
Ryan Roark / Ventulett Next Generation Visiting Fellow, Georgia Tech
Saif Haq / Professor, Texas Tech University
Seray Turkay / Assistant Professor, TED University
Siobhan Rockcastle / Assistant Professor, University of Oregon
Sonit Bafna / Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tarek Rakha / Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Thomas Grasl / SWAP Architects
Todd Cronan / Associate Professor, Emory University
Vernelle Noel / Ventulett Next Generation Visiting Fellow, Georgia Tech
Zachary Tate Porter / Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Zenovia Toloudi / Assistant Professor, Dartmouth
Architecture, as a discipline, embodies various fields of knowledge. Architectural research derives from within its own discipline and diverges into an interdisciplinary domain. Divergence in architectural research implies that there is agency to expand the disciplinary boundary of architecture and produce new fields of knowledge emerging from within the architectural domain. It offers making new connections between different epistemological frameworks and transforms our knowledge of architecture into unanticipated forms. Divergent approaches to interdisciplinary research in architecture prepares scholars and researchers for shared contributions across a rich array of intellectual fields.
The symposium invites all doctoral students to present their interdisciplinary research in five thematic session topics. The chosen topics, listed below, are intended to be inclusive, ensuring a venue for a diverse spectrum of research and welcoming overlaps to stimulate further discussion across sessions.
Organizing Committee:Academic Advisor: Tarek Rakha
Academic Coordinators: Hayri Dortdivanlioglu & Marisabel Marratt
Exhibition Coordinator: Yousef Bushehri
Accommodation & Logistics: Zorana Matic
Financial Board: Marisabel Marratt, Hayri Dortdivanlioglu
Media & Graphic Design: Hayri Dortdivanlioglu
Organization Board: Heather Ligler, Kurt Hong, Gustavo Do Amaral, Mehmet Bermek, Raha Motamed Rastegar, Fatima Javeed, James Park, Zachary Lancaster
Advisory Board: Steven French (Dean and John Portman Chair, College of Design), Nancey Green Leigh (Associate Dean for Research, College of Design), Scott Marble (William H. Harrison Chair, School of Architecture), Dennis Sheldon (Building Information System), Thanos Economou (Design Computing), Keith Kaseman (Advance Production), Tarek Rakha (High Performance Building), Craig Zimring (Design & Health), Ellen Dunham-Jones (Urban Design), George Johnston (History, Theory & Criticism)
Scientific Committee:
Anjali Joseph / Endowed Chair, Clemson University
Arash Soleimani / Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University
Arief Setiawan / Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University
Athanassios Economou / Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Azadeh Sawyer / Assistant Professor, Carnegie Mellon University
Benay Gursoy Toykoc / Assistant Professor, Penn State University
Christina Crawford / Assistant Professor, Emory University
Clio Andris / Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Craig Zimring / Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Danielle Wilkens / Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dennis Shelden / Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Dimitris Papanikolaou / Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina
Elisa Dainese / Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University
Ellen Dunham Jones / Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Eyal Weizman / Professor, University of London
Gabriel Wurzer / Researcher, Vienna University of Technology
George Johnston / Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ingrid Rowland / Professor, University of Notre Dame
Ipek Tureli / Associate Professor, McGill University
Jihan Sherman / Academic Professional, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jean-Hugues Barthélémy / Professor, l’Université Paris-Nanterre, France
Jeffrey Collins / Assistant Professor, Kennesaw State University
John Haymaker / Director of Research, Perkins+Will
Kereshmeh Afsari / Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech
Lars Spuybroek / Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Lisa Lim / Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University
Lydia Kallipoliti / Assistant Professor, The Cooper Union
Mine Ozkar / Professor, Istanbul Technical University
Moa Carlsson / Lecturer, University of Edinburgh
Momen El-Husseiny / Assistant Professor,The American University in Cairo
Pavlos Lefas / Professor, University of Patras, Greece
Perry Yang / Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Reinhard Koenig / Junior-Professor, Bauhaus-University Weimar
Robert Rosenberger / Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Roya Rezaee / Research Scientist, Perkins+Will
Ryan Roark / Ventulett Next Generation Visiting Fellow, Georgia Tech
Saif Haq / Professor, Texas Tech University
Seray Turkay / Assistant Professor, TED University
Siobhan Rockcastle / Assistant Professor, University of Oregon
Sonit Bafna / Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tarek Rakha / Assistant Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology
Thomas Grasl / SWAP Architects
Todd Cronan / Associate Professor, Emory University
Vernelle Noel / Ventulett Next Generation Visiting Fellow, Georgia Tech
Zachary Tate Porter / Assistant Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Zenovia Toloudi / Assistant Professor, Dartmouth